Introducing DeFiXy Protocol

DeFiXy Protocol
2 min readAug 22, 2020

Most of us can still remember the response Mark Cuban, a famous American entrepreneur gave when asked what it will take for cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin) to be massively adopted. He said; “It’d have to be so easy to use, it’s a no-brainer. It’d have to be completely friction-free and understandable by everybody first.”

This addresses the complexity that comes with most (if not all) blockchain technologies. Just think about how complicated it was for you to buy your first cryptocurrency, how many platforms or apps you researched until you finally found the one app/platform that supported fiat to cryptocurrency conversion.

If you are already using cryptocurrencies and other blockchain solutions, this is no longer an issue to you but think of the newcomers, who would like to use blockchain solutions or even have no other alternatives than to use blockchain solutions but have kept away because they do not understand the fundamentals.

As long as these individuals stay away, blockchain techs would not be massively adopted. Though not everyone will understand it as Mark Cuban suggested but it should be easy to use. Though it would not be absolutely friction-free as Mark Cuban also suggested but it should be friction-less.

In this light, DeFiXy protocol presents you with an easy to use Amazon-like Marketplace. A decentralized marketplace that is built such that the complexity and friction encountered when carrying out a Fiat to Crypto transaction is reduced. Our mission is to seamlessly connect Fiat-driven economies to the crypto space thereby, creating a platform that newcomers with no experience can onboard with ease.

The features that DeFiXy Protocol offer as are under development include:

  1. A two-layer, decentralized P2P Marketplace for crypto-assets and products. An Amazon-like marketplace where users can easily carryout fiat-crypto transactions at low cost. The marketplace will also enable users to customize their own mini-kiosks and trade their whitelisted assets. The marketplace is built such that there is a Fiat layer and a Crypto Layer. Users with no experience can trade crypto without having to deal with the actual crypto until they are comfortable to do so.
  2. DeFi Solutions, providing easy to use lending and borrowing services.
  3. Dynamic staking that adopts a proof of commitment (PoC) consensus.
  4. And much more

DeFiXy Protocol is currently working hard to get the first feature rolled out in the next 6 weeks. To stay informed, please follow us on our social media pages listed below.



DeFiXy Protocol

DeFiXy Protocol, Bridge between Fiat-driven economies and the Crypto Space